And you remember when We told you: "Indeed, your Lord has encompassed the people". And We didn’t make the Sight which We showed you except as a trial for the people, and was the accursed tree mentioned in this Reading. And We terrify them, then it increases them except great transgression.
Three-Time-Knower Lord has inscribed in Adhikr whatever things happen in the universe as explained in verse 10: 61. Lord made his Messenger travel bodily from Mecca to Masjid Aqsa (Baithul Muqadhas) at Jerusalem within a night and raised Him bodily to Paradise to show him some of His Signs as explained in verse 17: 1. But the disbelievers at that time didn’t believe in it.
Today, Arabic Quran reading Fujjar who hide and reject Adhikr are having an evil concept about Lord Allah. They prefer worldly and bodily life. So they will get Hell as a fine for their aimless and heedless life here as explained in verses 2: 39 and 15: 10. They will have the curse Zaqqum tree in Hell as explained in verses 13: 5 and 29. It is told about the Zaqqum through verses 37: 63-70: “Indeed, We have made it sedition for the wrongdoers. Indeed, it is a tree that grows from the bottom of the Hades, Its emerging fruit as if it was hairs of Satan. And indeed, they will eat from it and fill their bellies with it. Then indeed, they will have after it a mixture of scalding water. Then indeed, their return will be to the Hellfire. Indeed they found their fathers astray and they followed their footsteps”. See explanation 1: 7; 11: 7; 13: 32 and 16: 89.